This 5 days intensive workshop offers a hand-on introduction to interactive techniques by showing examples of what Pd is capable of. The aim is to give the participants a strong background allowing them to start their own exploration of Pure-Data.To conclude this introduction the participants will conduct a public showing in Dock 11 during POOL 09. The showing will consist of (maximum) 4 projects developed during the 5 days of the workshop. These projects will be created / chosen by the participants and should illustrate different types of interaction.Each participant should bring: a computer, a camera (at least a webcam), headphones, audio and/or video material.ScheduleTheory, oct. 2-3-4 - 10h-17hPractice, oct. 10-11 - 10h-17hShowing, oct. 16 - 18hMaximum participants: 10Fee: 130-150€