Hut #6: MiniBo
An experiment in performance and mini-living

jill sigman/thinkdance, Kristin Norderval, Amund Sveen
with guest artist Vigdis Storsveen

October 15-22, 2011
The Norwegian Opera
Kirsten Flagstads Plass 1

Norderval, Sigman, and Sveen make themselves “at home” at the Norwegian Opera House foyer with a durational performance-installation that mixes dance, new music, and visuals, and includes a living plant system by guest artist Vigdis Storsveen. Their performance squat revolves around Hut #6, a temporary structure built by Sigman from found and re-purposed materials. Through activities like dancing, planting, and serving tea, they explore the concept of being “at home” and ask what home will be like when we have less energy and more trash. Hut #6: MiniBo is part of Sigman's The Hut Project, and continues Sigman and Norderval’s past collaborations with portable performance and green energy. The sound system will be run on renewable energy.

Choreographer/Designer/Performer: Jill Sigman
Composer/Sound Installation/Soprano: Kristin Norderval
Video Installation/Percussionist: Amund Sjølie Sveen
Plants/Living System: Vigdis Storsveen

Part of the CODA Oslo International Dance Festival (CODA Art):


Hut #6: MiniBo
Sat 15/10 12:00-5pm (enter any time) The Opera House opening   
Sun 16/10 12:00-5pm (enter any time) The Opera House
Mon 17/10 12:00-5pm (enter any time) The Opera House
Tue 18/10 12:00-5pm (enter any time) The Opera House
Wed 19/10 12:00-5pm (enter any time) The Opera House

Hut #6: Hjemme bra, men borte best (deconstruction)
Sat 22/10 12:00-5pm (enter any time) The Opera House closing   

AUDIENCE CAN COME AND GO FREELY ANY TIME. All performances take place in The Opera House foyer (lobby). ADMISSION FREE.

The visual & sound installation (Hut #6) will also be on display October 15-22 during the Opera House opening hours, even when there is no performance.

Jill Sigman is a choreographer and multimedia artist based in NYC. Trained in classical dance at the Joffrey Ballet, her work has come to exist at the intersection of dance, theater, and visual art. Equally at home on a proscenium stage as she is crawling in the dirt or dancing in a tree, Sigman uses the body to raise questions about self and society. Hut #6 is part of her ongoing Hut Project, a series of site-specific huts raising questions about sustainability and real estate. She founded jill sigman/thinkdance in 1998.

Kristin Norderval is a composer and singer who specializes in developing new works for voice, small scale opera, cross-disciplinary work, and works with interactive technology. Commissions have included works for Den Anden Opera in Copenhagen, the Bucharest International Dance Festival, and the Parthenia Viol Consort. Norderval’s credits as a soloist include performances with the Oslo Sinfonietta, Philip Glass Ensemble, Netherlands Dance Theater, and the San Francisco Symphony. Recordings are available on Aurora, CRI, Deep Listening, Eurydice, New World, Nonesuch and Koch International.

Read more about the artists at:

This project has received generous support from:
Arts Council Norway
Komponistenes Vederlagsfond
The Fund for Performing Artists
Dramatikkens hus
Alternativ Energi

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