• Apr 8, 2016 from 10:00am to 9:30pm
  • Location: Artaud Performance Centre
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

 Friday April 8  

10:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 – 16:00: Workshops

  • Salud López (Spain): Parad is o, no hay billetes/The perception of imperceptible.
  • Jaime del Val (Instituto Reverso): Disalignments-Flexinamics (movement technique developed by Reverso in the Metabody project, consistin of subtle microdeviations of movement from existing patterns and percetion, focusing on kineasthetic experience. 
  • Maria Kapsali (University of Leeds)/ Simon East (Curvor Ltd): Sonolope: producing soundscapes through movement 
  • Jeanne Bloch (Paris): Light augmented by dance  (dance workshop).
  • Janice Jones (Arts Education, University of Southern Queensland): 13 Moons: A Story of Ashes, Blood, Light.

18:30 – 21:30: Exhibition-performances.

  • Instituto Reverso (Madrid, Spain): Metatopia (Metaformance, indoors/outdoors, by Jaime del Val, Cristian García and audience participants: METATOPIA is an ultraportable interactive & performative environment for outdoors & indoors spaces that merges emergent physical & digital architectures, with 3D and multisensory immersion, focusing on indeterminacy, unpredictability and open-ended relation to bodies and surrounding environment. 
  • DAP-Lab (UK): Metakimosphere no. 3 (immersive installation-performance), (with Michèle Danjoux, Johannes Birringer, Vanessa Michielon, Yoko Ishiguro, Azzie McCutcheon, Helenna Ren, sAngeliki Margeti, Chris Bishop, Seeta Indrani, Martina Reynolds, Hae-in Song, Elisabeth Sutherland, Hongye Deng, Waka Arai, Sasha Pitale, and Neal Spowage): “Metakimospheres” are kinetic atmospheres – immersive installations that highlight audience participation and sensorial experience. Metakimospheres behave as if they are active living architectural organisms that have an auditory, visual, and tactile sensory quality, with subtly changing states and affordances. Architectural fabrics create a large “stage costume” – and this costume can be worn and breathed, felt and imagined, transported and taken off; it moves and can be moved and manipulated by dancers and the visitors.
  • Nora O’ Murchú (Ireland), with Hua Shu (Ireland): THX. OBJ (wearable exhibition: THX.OBJ is a 3D-printed cape that embodies the contradictions between 3D printing and a market where #making is the new consuming. 
  • Larissa Ferreira (University of Brasilia, Brasil): Corpo em Obra | Body in Process |Körperarbeit 
  • Maria Kapsali (University of Leeds)/ Simon East (Curvor Ltd): Sonolope: producing soundscapes through movement 
  • Paula Guzzanti Paula Guzzanti (School of Creative Arts, Queen’s University Belfast), with Martin Devek (multi-media artist and composer) and Tristan Clutterbuck (Sonic Arts Centre, Queen’s University Belfast): I-Reflexes 
  • Javier Aparicio Frago (Communicaion Science and Arts Department of Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid. Spain) / Javi F Gorostiza (Systems Engineering and Automation Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain): Managing Complexity between Real-Time Music Composition and Body Events in a Synesthetic Dance Performance through Wearable Computing
  • Kathleen McDermott (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York): Urban Armor: DIY Objects of Resistance 
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