• Apr 9, 2016 from 10:00am to 9:30pm
  • Location: Artaud Performance Centre
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023


Saturday April 9 – Workshops / Exhibitions / Performances.

10:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 – 16:00: Workshops

  • Jeanne Bloch (Paris): Light augmented by dance (dance workshop).
  • Salud López (Spain): Parad is o, no hay billetes (workshop).
  • Jaime del Val (Instituto Reverso): Amorphogenesis-Microsexes (Amorphogenesis is an intra-active environment of digital amorphous architectures and spatialised sound modulated via sensors on the body which act as indeterminate body extensions inviting to explore new kineasthetic sensations. It’s connected to the Flexinamic modules as part of the larger Metatopia environments. Microsexes is a metaformance project in which surveillance cameras on the skin and electronically processed voice, constitute the basis for post-intimate encounters in which the body modifies its own perception, in a becoming post-anatomical and amorphous. It’s connected to the Flexinamic modules as part of the larger Metatopia environments.
  • Obioma Oji (University of Edinburgh): GYRO (practice based research on analysis of maximisation of energy efficiency in the context of existing interior space, investigating relationships people assign to their ideals of comfort around specific objects and circumstances. These are described as virtual or physical intermediate structures or membranes between the building skin and the clothes a person wears. One outcome is a conceptual GYRO bubble and experimental research methods that incorporate playful, immersive interior environments).

16:00: Workshop:  “Touch: Networked Wearables”. Facilitated by Randall Packer, Galina Mihaleva (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Angeline Young (Arizona State University, USA), & Artaud Centre (London) linking up the three spaces telematically.

17:00: Isabelle  Arvers (curator/director of Kareron/France): Calais jungle refugees voices embodied in a game engine, a machinima doc workshop.

18:30 – 21:30  Exhibition-performances.

  • Instituto Reverso (Madrid, Spain): Metatopia (Metaformance, indoors/outdoors, by Jaime del Val, Cristian García and audience participants).
  • DAP-Lab: Metakimosphere no. 3 (immersive installation-performance), (with Michèle Danjoux, Johannes Birringer, Vanessa Michielon, Yoko Ishiguro, Azzie McCutcheon, Helenna Ren, Angeliki Margeti, Chris Bishop, Seeta Indrani, Martina Reynolds, Hae-in Song, Elisabeth Sutherland, Hongye Deng, Waka Arai, Sasha Pitale, and Neal Spowage).
  • Nora O’ Murchú (Ireland), with Hua Shu (Ireland): THX. OBJ (wearable exhibition).
  • Larissa Ferreira (University of Brasilia, Brasil): Corpo em Obra | Body in Process |Körperarbeit (performance installationtrace) .
  • Maria Kapsali (University of Leeds)/ Simon East (Curvor Ltd): Sonolope: producing soundscapes through movement .
  • Paula Guzzanti (School of Creative Arts, Queen’s University Belfast), with Martin Devek (multi-media artist and composer) and Tristan Clutterbuck (Sonic Arts Centre, Queen’s University Belfast): I-Reflexes (performance).
  • Kathleen McDermott (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York): Urban Armor: DIY Objects of Resistance (video).
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