3844862579?profile=RESIZE_710xIntensive workshops of scenic creation with Isadora. By Aníbal Zorrilla, InTAD. Info: anibalzorrilla@yahoo.com.ar.

3844863262?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Interactive Scene. Isadora Software”, 29 F, 1 M. Untill 4 F:75, after € 90. aupateatro@gmail.com.

3844866679?profile=RESIZE_710x"La Tecnoescena. Il corpo la tecnologia e la scena" march 2 to 7. Open for deaf people. Until 23 F, € 120, after € 150. Open exhibition on March 7. artestudio360@gmail.com

3844867479?profile=RESIZE_710xNiu : espai artistic, “Taller Isadora: Tecnologia interactiva per a l'escena, March 9 to 14, € 160. info@niubcn.com .

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