“Invisible” is an interactive video installation adaptation of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison created by New Media/Performance Artist Whitney. The work is a response to the popular digital technologies permeating society (interactive gaming, hi def, telepresence, etc.) A large-scale video projection instigates an intimate “duet” between a mediated image and a live visitor. The artist states, “Invisible is a game, and the only objective and reward is to stay connected.” “Invisible” does not attempt to offer an answer to the question of, technology versus humanity; it simply offers a unique art environment in which to realize the coexistence of the two.
- Dec 17, 2010 at 6:00pm to Dec 22, 2010 at 8:00pm UTC-05
- Location: Long Island University Brooklyn Campus (Humanities Gallery, 1st floor)
- Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023