• Feb 22, 2009 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
  • Location: Second Life and Portugal/Lisboa/Sou-Movimento e Arte
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023
You are invited to the Real Virtual Games' Project at the CILXJam - Contact Improvisation Lisbon Jam TODAY FROM 9 to 12 AM (PST) AT Koru (212, 222, 4026) (Second Life) The event is the third hybrid improvisation between avatars and real-time video broadcast of subjects improvisind in a physical space - Sou/Movimento e Arte, Lisboa, Portugal, from 17 to 20 hours Please come to enjoy other way of moving and interacting Contact Improvisation is a ludic dance form based in the physical contact between the participants bodies. RJV is a project experimenting with interaction through hybrid modes of embodiment adapting or creatively applying the possible interfaces between our and these bodies and worlds through which we also need to communicate globally. Butler2 Evelyn/ Isabel Valverde

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