• Jun 8, 2018 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Bucharest National Dance Center
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

Johannes Birringer

Audio-visual lecture::

After brief look back at historical precedents, Johannes Birringer introduces concepts of the material affects of choreosonic wearables, discussing the design of wearables used in immersive performative environments – here called “kinetic atmospheres” (kimospheres) – which are conceived as formative, not built or constructed in a stable form but responsive to movers, wearables or, even, are wearable themselves. Basing its investigation of such interactive environments for wearable performance in recent installations of the DAP-Lab, the presentation explores the impact of audiophonic wearables on movement choreography and role-play within such kimospheres, also delving into more speculative developments of how bodies and wearables come to affect, and be affected by, kinetic, sonic and VR interfaces – in the sense in which the composer Xenakis had envisioned reverberant multimedia architectures and spatial intensities to be live instruments, not static objects or envelopes. 

Recent project:




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