• Jul 13, 2015 at 10:00am to Jul 19, 2015 at 5:00pm
  • Location: Chisenhale Dance Space, London, UK
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

Workshop: 6 days investigating the specific areas of space and words with Julyen Hamilton & Billie Hanne.

In space resounds what emanates from us as we make dance and words. Space is a central area of obsession in the dancer's work and ƒçƒ as a language of sensitivity and communication. This workshop deals with poetry and dance produced in a performing space.

Monday 13 – Saturday 18 July, 10am – 5pm

£160 (including all events)

For advanced dancers - apply with motivation letter and CV to Robert Vesty – r.vesty@mdx.ac.uk


This workshop event will be accompanied by additional performances and talks.


Performances: Play by Julyen Hamilton & Deep Brown Sea by The Wheel/Billie Hanne

Thursday 16 July, 7pm :: £15


Evening Talk with Julyen Hamilton & Billie Hanne talking in-depth about their work and the making of poetry and dance.

Friday 17 July, 7pm :: Free


Open Space Day: What do dancers and poets need in order to produce dance and poetry in performance? A day-long event using Open Space Technology (OST) as an opportunity for dancers, poets and scholars to come together to think, debate, and plan action.

Sunday 19 July, 10am – 5pm :: £15

Ticket deal: Performances and Talks = £25

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