Friday, November 7, 2008 (6)

Nov 7, 2008
October 30, 2008
  • CYNETart_08

  • Oct 30, 2008 to Nov 8, 2008
  • Location: Festspielhaus Hellerau
  • Description: In the run-up to the international festival for computer-based art CYNETart_08, artists from 45 countries with about 280 works have applied to participate in the festival’s competition. In order to name the winner a jury of six renowned artists, art
  • Created by: Thomas Dumke
  • Tags: festival
November 1, 2008
  • Prey

  • Nov 7, 2008 all day
  • Location: Brooklyn Arts Exchange
  • Description: Prey is a marriage between the raw, blind intensity to survive with a tender reverence for life. This constant internal struggle plays out in this site-based work where threat of confinement or release, abandonment and restriction haunt those that tr
  • Created by: Kelly Bartnik
  • Tags: Site-specific, dance, performance