The workshop is : Lunar OutpostA Workshop on Wearable Art and Interactive PerformanceMay 25 – June 5, 2009http://wearableart-interactiveperformance.comfriend Lunar Outpost on facebook.Herberger College Dance and the School of Art at Arizona State University are offering a two-week workshop on Wearable Art and Interactive Performance. The workshop will take place on the Tempe Campus of Arizona State University from May 25 through June 5, 2009.Workshop leaders from HerbergerCollege Dance and the School of Artinclude:John D. Mitchell, mediated performance designer,Galina Mihaleva costume and fashion designer,Hilary Harp, media artist and sculptor,joined by a special guest, Keiko Courdy, French artist and director of KI transdisciplinary performance structure.In response to initiatives to create a fully occupied operational base on the moon by 2024, the theme for this year's workshop is: Lunar Outpost. As artists how do we respond to extreme environments that are so unlike our home environment? At the Lunar Outpost people will experience micro gravity, a different atmospheric propagation of sound, an essentially black-and-white environment, and a profound sense of loneliness. Workshop participants will explore emergent electronic technologies for performance and installation framed by the theme Lunar Outpost. Interactive technologies offer the means to extend, manipulate and add color to our environments in a new manner.
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  • Mr. Mitchell, Is it still possible to apply?
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