Call for Submissions / Deadline 3.21.11
Culturehub is seeking submissions for a week long Dance and Technology Art Exhibit that will take place May 24-28th, 2011 at the La MaMa Galleria.
We are looking for projects or works of art that capture compelling aspects of movement/dance and that utilize, engage or intersect with new media technology. Entries may include multi-media projects, interactive games, websites, networked performances, installations or any other work that incorporates elements of dance in a digital media context.
Submissions will be reviewed by a multi-disciplinary panel including new media artists and dance practitioners. The admitted works will be shown at the La Mama Galleria during the week long exhibit and when applicable displayed on the Culturehub website for the duration of the La MaMa Moves Dance Festival.
The works will be judged on the effective and unconventional use of the medium, the incorporation of new ideas, overall playfulness and the artists ability to actively engage the viewer.