Who are the national and European young emerging artists? La Caldera will aproach their outstanding, creative and surprising proposals. # MOV: Showings Sala 0 3rd and 4th July at 8pm Matanicola – Untitled 2010 (Itàlia/Israel, residents a Alemanya) 6th and 7th July at 8pm Patricia Caballero (BCN/Portugal) Adam Linder – Early Ripen Early Rot (Alemanya) Clara Tena – Feather Leather (BCN) 9th and 10th July at 8pm The guinea pig collective – Blackbox (BCN/Àustria) Roser López Espinosa – Miniatura (en xarxa amb Cia. Mudances) 11th and 12th July at 8pm (Awarded Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid'09-10) MOPA – Mala suerte o falta de talento (Sevilla) Natxo Montero – Carni di prima qualità (BCN/País basc) en xarxa with Certamen coreográfico de Madrid Contextos Meetings with the audience each day of presentation to talk about the shown pieces at 7pm at La Prinzipal. Apropa’t Chat with artists 4th, 7th,10th, 12th and 16th July, at 9.30pm/after the presentation at La Prinzipal. # MENT: Meetings: Dialogue spaces Chats with specialists of arts and thoughts around contemporary creation monday, 5th July at 7pm Networks and spaces groups of creation with Tere Badia, Barcelona – investigator and commissioner, currently is Hangar director, Barcelona|Paz Rojo, Madrid – choreographer and creator, has been member of the group LISA, Amsterdam | Catarina Saraiva, Lisbon – exmember of the directorial team of Alkantara, Portugal, studies a master in Madrid. Moderator: Oscar Dasí, member of La Porta and director co-director of the festival LP Row 0: Marlon Barrios, On-line producer www.dance-tech.net, Lipi Hernández, La caldera founder and artistic director Malqueridas, Plataforma I + D (www.malqueridas.com) thursday, 8th July at 7pm Current tendencies of the body 'performer' with Isabel de Naverán, Bilbao – investigator of the virtual file of performing arts, of Artea and it has published in Cairon and other specialty journals | Marina Garcés, Barcelona – philosophy investigator and teacher for the University of Zaragoza, founding member of ‘espai in blanc’ | Victoria Pérez, Barcelona – teacher of University aesthetic of Frankfurt am oder, investigator of the contemporary dance. Moderator: Toni Cots, cultural and member producer of L’animal to l’esquena. Row 0: Jordi Fondevila (ex festival Neo); Las Santas, Barcelona – collective project directed by Silvia Sant Funk, Mònica Muntaner and Beatriz Fernández directing La Poderosa, dance space, Toni Mira, La Caldera founder and artistic director Cía. Nats Nus tuesday, 13th July at 7pm Contexts – practices – policies: culture_institution_art_market with Amador Fdez-Savater, Madrid – editor, collaborating with the Public daily newspaper, has actively participated in several social movements | Montse Romani, Barcelona – cultural investigator and producer around feminisms, the transformation of the urban space and the visual culture | Berta Sureda, Madrid-Barcelona – long path in the cultural management, currently is the director of public activities of the Centre Art National Museum Queen Sofia. Moderator: Toni Cots Row 0: Cristina Alonso, artist and cofounder of Areatangent; Beatriu Daniel, Cultural manager specialised in dance and artistic coachings. From 2005 management director of La Caldera; Inés Boza, la caldera founder and codirector of Cía. Senza tempo; Carles Salas, la caldera founder, director Cía. Búbulus and “Institut del teatre centre d'Osona” director.
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