• Nov 6, 2009 from 7:30pm to 8:15pm
  • Location: Portugal
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023
Exploring the relationship between dance and sculpture, Nerves Like Nylon (NLN) is based on the principle that a choreographic construction can trigger movement when it contains a certain degree of stillness.Based on the sculptural paradoxes mentioned by Antony Gormley‘stillness can express its opposite’‘movement is best encouraged by a static object’,my intention is to establish a choreographic paradox : NLN's stage scenery and choreographic construction, rather then evoking movement suggest, instead, its impossibility.Emphasized by the light design, NLN sets off from a formal construction: choreographic motion is centred on the thorax and abdomen of three female dancers; the choreographic space is limited to a restricted area of action.Partly inspired in Samuel Beckett’s text ‘Not I’, NLN is methodical, almost threatening “…imagine….imagine ...what position she was in...”Choreography / direction Maria RamosPerformers Benedetta Maxia, Lígia Teixeira, Sofia DiasOriginal music Hugo Verweij (refrain: Bauhaus ‘Nerves’)Light design in collaboration with Vinny JonesCo-production DeVIR/CAPaResidencies EIRA, ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, CAPa/DeVIRSupports Instituto Camões, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Construção Integrada lda., ArtEZ Institute of the Arts
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