• Oct 1, 2016 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Location: Schimmel Center at Pace University
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

New York Theatre Ballet (NYTB) presents the Once Upon a Ballet series for children, beginning with Carnival of the Animals on October 1, 2016 at 3pm at Schimmel Center at Pace University, 3 Spruce Street, NYC. Tickets are $10 for children, $20 for adults. Single tickets are available through www.schimmelcenter.org, or by calling the box office at 212-346-1715. For more information, visit www.nytb.org.

In a magical forest, Queen Diana and her shaggy lion rule a charming assortment of animals who live more or less peaceably until a pair of lost children wander in, and then the fun begins! Choreography by Beth Storey Taylor, costume design by Sylvia Taalsohn Nolan, and set design by Gillian Bradshaw-Smith.

Paired with Carnival of the Animals, NYTB presents Antony Tudor’s family favorite, Little Improvisations, a short story about two children making up games in the attic on a rainy day.  Between the ballets, Diana Byer will conduct NYTB's popular interactive lecture demonstration.

"Director Diana Byer’s informative lecture demonstration educates children and adult audiences alike on aspects of ballet.  New York Theatre Ballet continues to be a cultural treasure for the New York City arts community and audiences.” -Broadway World

For all their childlike wonder, most story ballets don’t cater to the average kids’ attention span. With it’s long-running Once Upon A Ballet series, New York Theatre Ballet consolidates the classics into hour long productions for the under-10 crowd and puts parents’ minds at ease.” -The New York Times

Over the last 30 years, NYTB’s Once Upon A Ballet series has introduced thousands of youngsters in New York City and around the country to the world of ballet and dance, fostering their knowledge and appreciation of the performing arts and building audiences of the future.

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