Movement Qualities and Physical Models Visualizations

Workshop organized by IRCAM and LIMSI-CNRS.

The workshop's themes are current research directions carried out both at LIMSI-CNRS, in the AMI (Architecture and Models for Interaction) team and at IRCAM, in the IMTR team (Real-Time Musical Interactions), in particular through the PhD work of Sarah Fdili Alaoui under the directions of Christian Jacquemin and Frédéric Bevilacqua.

The workshop is meant to foster discussions, presentations, round tables, hands-on activities, and live improvisations or performances involving researchers, artists, designers, HCI designers and developers. It will focus on various aspects of dance and digital media such as whole body interaction, dance documentation, pedagogy and representation and gesture augmentation. These topics will benefit from various contributions on movement analysis, dance notation and representation, interactive installation for danced performances, advanced real-time computer graphics, and movement synthesis for dance gesture modelling.

The goal of this workshop is to gather most recent advances in these areas with a focus on the various relationships between visuals or graphic feedback based on physical models and movement quality in dance in both the artistic and scientific fields. Thus, this workshop federates people working in scientific domains such as Human Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Affective Computing, Cognitive Sciences... as well as artists from Choreography, Dance Studies, Dance Aesthetics, Dance History, and Design. The workshop aims at promoting scientific and artistic collaborations in this inter-disciplinary boundary. It will also offer opportunities to disseminate recent research works through oral presentations, demonstrations, and group discussions or round tables.

The following research axes will be approached:

  • Movement qualities analysis
  • Whole body interaction
  • Control of physical models
  • Dance movement knowledge, documentation and database
  • Presentation of art works.

Organizing Committee

Sarah Fdili Alaoui, IRCAM/LIMSI-CNRS/Paris-Sud University
Frédéric Bevilacqua, IRCAM
Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS/Paris-Sud University
Sylvie Benoit, IRCAM


Photo: © Thomas Lenden


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