MULTIVERSAL presents OUT OF ORDER(LY) MOVIMENT WORKSHOP as part of Vorspiel 2015
We are welcoming people from all kind of backgrounds that are interested in exchange, trial and error, playing, working and improvising individually and as a group within a constant change of musical environment.
The classes begin from sensing the body itself somatically, then uses simple improvisation proposals to bring awareness to the spacetime we are moving through. It aims to "Find The Most Open Question" that can open a space for protagonists from truly diverse backgrounds to communicate and play together.
It also aims to explore performance as something involving both action and reception.
DECIDING ON IMPULSES (David Bloom & Rebekka Böehme)
We will offer communication methods in various spaces, between music and movement, by focusing on different states of mind, dynamics, body energies, transformation into other qualities and limitation. We will experiment with action, reaction and interaction by working alone, in couples or as one group.
14th-15th: 10 am - 1 pm
ORDINARY VERSUS EXTRAORDINARY MOVEMENT (Furutani Michiyasu & Lysandre Coutu-Sauvé)
We will focus on ordinary and extraordinary movement within communication in space, between movers, movers and musicians as well as movers and objects. Also we will explore how to weave fragment of movements together into a coherent story which will affect others.
14th-15th: 2 pm - 5 pm
Please, bring one of your favorite objects with you
For both workshops feel free to bring your instruments.
1 day 45€ / 2 days 80 €
subscribe subject:workshops deadline for subscription: 12.01.2015