Tuning the Body & Voice – Roccatederighi * Tuscany * Italy


Somatic Practice in Dialogue with Vocal Presence

25 - 29 July 2019

For anyone interested in enhancing their health and vitality while becoming more confident in embodying their voice in a moving and flowing body. The workshop is of particular interest to actors, singers, dancers, voice coaches and public speakers.

This course centers on developing skills connecting breath, voice, movement, integrative bodywork and expressive creativity. These approaches are complementary and use physical awareness and active movement as a source for understanding the voice as a whole body experience. These skills are then applied to Vocal Dance and improvisation to enliven and broaden our creativity, communication skills and sense of interactive spontaneity.

Roccatederighiis a medieval village set in rural Tuscany, an hour from Siena and near the sea. The timeless beauty of the area, rich in Etruscan & Renaissance art, creates an atmosphere that inspires creative exploration.

Please Contact: info@patriciabardi.com

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