A Goossun Art-illery workshop
12 – 16 October 2011 / 9am – 6pm
Fee: €115 (850 DKK)

Goossun Art-illery joins forces with Dansbyrån, Københavns Musikteater and Among the Ants to organize a series of workshops in the Nordic countries. The upcoming two workshops are planned for Copenhagen in October 2011 and Göteborg in May 2012.

Pre-Expressivity and Scenic Presence is Goossun Art-illery’s most well-attended workshop which introduces the method of training of the company that has been mainly developed during the HamletZar project to the participants.

Pre-Expressivity and Scenic Presence is an advanced training course for performers (actors and dancers) to develop the most fundamental physical and vocal techniques of the performer.

The workshop is a practical introduction to Goossun Art-illery’s way of training, which is a result of our artistic director, Vahid’s study on the work of the twentieth century theatre reformers such as Stanislavski, Craig, Grotowski, Augusto Boal and Odin Teatret. It is both the technical aspect of the craft as well as their artistic, ethical and cultural visions that link the heritage of these masters to the work of Goossun Art-illery.

The point of departure in this workshop is the notion of pre-expressivity developed by Eugenio Barba at ISTA (International School of Theater Anthropology.) Pre-expressivity is the central point of Theatre Anthropology that studies the scenic behavior of the performer in an organized performance situation. It scrutinizes the recurring principles of performer’s extra-daily techniques, which are common in all genres and styles.

The daily practical work at Pre-Expressivity and Scenic Presence workshop consists of:

- Learning vocal and physical exercises
- Creating materials and sequences of action
- Making montage
- Improvisation

Practical Information

•All participants must fully memorize a short text, preferably in their mother tongue.

•Participants are asked to bring comfortable training clothing.

•The training involves heavy physical exercises.

•The working language is English but it does not exclude other languages.

•A maximum number of 12 participants are admitted for each workshop.

•The participants should be punctual and attend the workshop full time.

•The workshop lasts for 9 hours a day (from 09:00 to 18:00) including a 90-minutes lunch break.

•There will be an Open Session on the last afternoon of the workshop for a limited number of invited observers. The Open Session is not a “presentation” but rather an opportunity for spectators to observe Goossun Art-illery at work and discuss the work in a Q&A session.
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