Amazing pARTy! Kids jamboree with interactive art activities and dance classes start the day from 12-2, film screening at 5p, and an array of dance performances, including talented tapper Andrew Nemr, bellydancers, aerialists, and more.I'm honored to be among the 12 hours of art, and will be showing a solo with video component, edited by Rafal Janus. The dance section will begin at 7 and my expected performance time is 845.Hope to see you there!$20 tickets at door$15 online$5 OFF with donations such as toiletries, socks, underwear and warm winter items for The Bowery Mission.Proceeds will go to The Bowery Mission.If you are an artist, come and check it out as they will have upcoming events and will be looking for new submissions! A great way to get exposure, network, and collaborate!