PANGENDER TECHNOPOLITICS - POSTQUEER ANTIBODIES12-16th NOVEMBER 2008Performance, conferences, workshop... ANTIBODIES of surveillance and control_MICRODANCES - followed by Conference12th November 2008 at 21'30 in TEATRO AVEIRENSE - AVEIRO intervention of the pangender cyborg in the whole space of the Teatro Aveirense, followed by a conference/face to face with the audience. + PANGENDER TECHNOPOLITICS13th November 2008 at 15'00-16'30 in ESAP – Escola Superior Artística do Porto - 6th NOMAD WORKSHOP OF THE TECHNOLOGIES OF THE BODY- PANGENDER TECHNOPOLITICS15th-16th November 2008 10'00 - 18'00 in FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto ESAP - 12 hours - Language: English