• Sep 24, 2010 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: DanseHallerne, Pasteursvej 14-24, 1778 København V
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023
Screendance Workshops For Dancers/Choreographers/Video Makers Facilitated by: Jeannette Ginslov (Msc Media Arts & Imaging, MA Choreography) DanseHallerne, Pasteursvej 14-24, 1778 København V Beginners Level One: Sept 24-26 Advanced Level Two: Oct 01-03 2010 In these screendance workshops we will explore the genre of screendance, dance for the camera, the moving camera, the moving body, choreography for the dancer/camera, kinaesthetic and emotional amplification, how authentic and concrete experience is captured by the medium and finally amplified by the digital media processes in post production. It will touch briefly on how the digital body and affective images become haptic when mechanically reproduced and amplified in the shoot and in post production. It will highlight the influence of postmodern dance practice as well as the cinematic genre of Dogme 95 and a non linear or poetic filmic practice. The workshop will introduce ideas for shooting for the edit and discuss the notion of repetition in the edit, diegetic sound and the use of vertical montage as choreographic tools and a means of amplifying audience empathetic responses. Each participant will produce an edit in camera dance video that will be shown at the end of the session. The more advanced level participants should bring an idea or narrative or storyboard they wish to explore. Participants may work outside these hours when wanting to shoot and/or edit. Participants are asked to bring their own cameras and tripods if at all possible. Lunch is NOT provided. Please bring your own food and drinks. Beginners Level 1 Fri Sept 24 18-22, Sat Sept 25 12-18, Sun Sept 26 10-15 Total contact hours: 15 hrs Cost: €110 [Student Concession €83] Advanced Level 2 Fri Oct 01 18-20 Meeting in Dansehallerne Upstairs Foyer, Red Sofas, Sat Oct 02 14-18 Studio 1 Sun Oct 03 10-15 Studio 4 Total Contact hours: 11hrs Cost: €88 [Student Concession €66] Contact details: Jeannette Ginslov jeannette.ginslov@gmail.com 26990363 Website: http://jeannetteginslov.com Video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/WalkingGusto
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