Critical Path (Director, Margie Medlin) and University of Western Sydney (Dr. Garth Paine) present SEAM 2010 Agency and Action.SEAM 2010 follows on from the success of the inaugural SEAM 2009, and promises the same intriguing mix of artistic and academic research and presentations, crossing disciplines and offering a smorgasboard of performances, exhibitions, forums, workshops, laboratories, papers and presentations to specialist researchers and the general public alike.Underpinning SEAM 2010 is groundbreaking academic and practitioner-based research occurring at the VIPRe Lab (Virtual Interactive Performance Research Environment), at the University of Western Sydney, Macquarie University and Critical Path as well as ongoing research from around the world. In 2010, SEAM will establish a number of experimental environments to investigate and record the relationship between performer and audience and how notions of agency, embodiment and mediation are altered by interactive technologies. The notion of performance embodied in a myriad of forms made available through the most current technological advances will be thoroughly scrutinized.The primary focus for SEAM 2010 is to provide a resource rich, stimulating environment for local dancers and choreographers and media artists to interact with local and international leaders in the field of interactive technologies and allied arts disciplines. We want dancers and choreographers to take away with them a raft of new tools, new knowledge, philosophical and performance frameworks, contacts and possible future partnerships in the creation of new or more profound directions within their contemporary choreographic practice.For further information on SEAM 2010 events: more information on Critical Path: more information on last year's SEAM symposium and its related events: