
Created by Sheldon B. Smith and Lisa Wymore in collaboration with Ian Heisters, James Graham, and Pei-Ling Kao. With guest performance by Deanna Bang. Lighting design by Nikita Kadam.

Number Zero is both a game and an experiment in real-time computer augmented performance. This semi-improvised dance is about a semi-intelligent computer system threatening to evolve. Set in a near future world that is only marginally different from our own, the dance continuously reconstructs itself anew, searching in vain for the perfect balance of human contentment and computer power. The participants (performers) find themselves trapped in a kind of limbo where the only hope is to win over the “heart" of the machine by successfully completing the system’s bizarre set of games of mental, physical and spiritual endurance. The work is comical, bleak and completely unpredictable. All we know for sure is that no two performances will ever be alike.

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