• Jun 9, 2016 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: CAVE home of Leimay
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

Part of LEIMAY’s SOAK Festival June 2-18, join Moeno Wakamatsu, Peter Sciscioli, and Zack Fuller, on June 9, 8pm, for work that is experimental, rigorous, and thought-provoking. More details http://leimaymain.cavearts.org/?p=4313

Moeno Wakamatsu
Eternity Maze
I met my shadow and it said to me....  To be Here, To be Everywhere, To Be Nowhere. Circulation of Being and Nothingness.

[This place is everywhere, every place is nowhere.  In time eternity, this time is no time.  Shadow rise in rose-colored eternity.]

Peter Sciscioli
A body can resonate
With roots in song forms and improvised movement structures, Sciscioli explores the capacity for vibration generated in one body to stir, compel and communicate with others, and structurally moves from darkness to light. This solo continues Sciscioli’s experimental exploration of a relationship between moving and vocalizing in performan

Zack Fuller/Stupid Wisdom
Manifestations of Zone
Stupid Wisdom is the moniker for Fuller’s collaborations with long-time cohort, Jonathan Vincent, where body and instrument is one and the same, where dance and music act as a holistic being, not separate entities. Manifestations of Zone, is a lethal infanta, an imaginary friend of the duo who appears in various forms.

Song of the body, dance of the sound: an acoustic punk butoh love song to a baby demon goddess.

About the Artists
Born in Japan 1975, Moeno Wakamatsu is a solo dance artist residing in Normandy, France. Originally an architect, she is also a Feldenkrais practitioner for over fifteen years.

Peter Sciscioli is a Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary performer, creator, educator and producer, whose work encompasses dance, music, theater and film. He has worked extensively with Meredith Monk, Jane Comfort and Daria Fain, and performed in work by Jonathan Bepler/Matthew Barney, Ping Chong, DD Dorvillier, Tatyana Tenenbaum, Fiona Templeton and Philip Glass/Mary Zimmerman, among others.

Zack Fuller’s dance works have been presented throughout Europe, Japan, the U.S. and India. From 1997-2001 he performed frequently in the dances of renowned dancer/farmer Min Tanaka and was an early member of his group Tokason.

About the festival

SOAK is a festival presenting a stream of AcTS and training in theater, butoh, dance, music, and performance art every summer-spring season. SOAK is molded by LEIMAY, the interdisciplinary ensemble and producing organization behind the acclaimed New York Butoh Festival.  SOAK takes place at LEIMAY’s home, CAVE, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

SOAK broadens the perceptions of our artists and audiences with work that is experimental, rigorous, and thought-provoking. The festival showcases finished and in-progress work by international, local, and fellow artists, and blends them together in a concoction that inspires audiences, fuels the artists, and stimulates the community surrounding LEIMAY’s activities.

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