Death Boogieis a multimedia Hip Hop poetry musical that follows the fictional story of Victor Spartan, a blue collar worker who lives a comatose lifestyle by day and at night, hears the poetic sounds of revolution. A theatrical and whimsical examination on the notion of martyrdom through the stories of a Greek Titan, a soldier, a child, a suicide bomber, a lion, and pop culture movies. Death Boogie is a solo piece featuring Darian Dauchan, with comic book illustrations by Jenny Koons and music accompaniment by The Mighty Third Rail."Dauchan is funny, polished, political, reflective, and surprising: everything a poet should be in the 21st century." – Taylor Mali, 4-time National Poetry Slam Team ChampionMar 25 - 26 at 7:30pmIn-Process Talk Mar 26 moderated by Parker Pracjek$5 Suggested DonationCall 212.924.0077 to make a reservation.