• Dec 12, 2013 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
  • Location: U of Illinois Krannert Center, 2nd Level Dance Studio
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

"Timings, an Internet Dance" joins together dancers in three locations: Tokyo, Champaign, and Dekalb, IL, for an experimental dance fantasy on the idea of timing, and the role it plays in our lives. The performance features motion-capture control of 3D avatars, real-time live streaming and recorded video, and live electronic music. Many innovative technologies are being used, some of which have been developed specifically for this performance.

The performance will be within the computer game platform known as Unity, which has never been tried before. New motion capture recording and playback software for the Microsoft Kinect camera has been developed by UI doctoral student Tony Reimer. This allows for real-time control of 3D characters within the Unity environment, as well as playback of live-recorded gesture loops. The loops play at the same time as the live dancing, giving the audience an experience of different time levels at the same moment.

More info on our website!

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