• Jun 18, 2010 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Maribor, Slovenia
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023
Napovednik KIBLA14LET: Johannes Birringer / UKIYO 2 – koreografska instalacija petek, 18.6.2010, 20.00 - Kibela, MMC Kibla "Ukiyo" raziskuje plasti zaznavanja v avdiovizualnem svetu, ki se neprestano spreminja in razpada. Obiskovalci so povabljeni, da se gibljejo povsod po prostoru, ki v svoji trenutni različici vsebuje eno od petih modnih pist hanamichi. Plesalci se gibljejo hkrati s projiciranimi digitalnimi objekti. Glasba in vizualna koreografija za projekt “Ukiyo” sta zasnovani za gibalno interakcijo v realnem času, s čimer so oživljeni sistem povratnih informacij in generativni algoritmi, v katerih se virtualni prostor prepleta z gibanjem performerjev. Projekt “Ukiyo” izvaja mednarodna ekipa, katere člani so svoje delo razvili v spletnem sodelovanju z digitalnimi umetniki iz Tokia v okviru poskusa medkulturne raziskave v virtualnih okoljih, ki jo je vodil Birringer (profesor uprizoritvenih tehnologij, DAP-Lab, Šola za umetnost Brunel). European première: Friday, June 18, 2o:oo KIBLA Media Art Center / Maribor, Slovenia Ukiyo 2 [Moveable World] dap-lab / dans sans joux Conceived and directed by Johannes Birringer, the installation features audiophonic fashion design concepts and wearables by Michèle Danjoux, and choreography by Katsura Isobe, Helenna Ren, Anne-Laure Misme, Yiorgos Bakalos and Olu Taiwo; virtual choreography by Biyo Kikuchi, Yumi Sagara, Jun Makime and Ruby Rumiko Bessho; photography and digital designs by Paul Verity Smith and Doros Polydorou; original music composed by Oded Ben-Tal, with live music composed and performed by Caroline Wilkins and digital sound and sensor interfaces by Sandy Finlayson. Scenography and lighting by Johannes Birringer. "Ukiyo" explores the layers of perceptions in an audiovisual world that constantly shifts and fragments; the audience is invited to move in and around the space which features five hanamichi (runways) and several projection screens for the photography and virtual world graphics. The dancers perform simultaneously with digital objects that are projected and generate some of the sonic dimensions through the sounding garments. The music and visual choreography for "Ukiyo" are designed partly for real-time gestural interaction to animate the feedback system and generative algorithms through with the virtual space and the performer movements are intertwined. "Ukiyo" is performed by an international ensemble of performers from the DAP-Lab whose work developed in collaboration with digital artists in Tokyo as part of a cross-cultural research venture in virtual environments directed by Birringer (director of DAP-Lab, and Center for Digital Performance, Brunel University, School of Arts) and co-coordinated by Yukihiko Yoshida (Keio University, Tokyo). Design direction for the project is by Michèle Danjoux. The Second Life graphical interface and avatar choreography was designed and developed by Takeshi Kabata, Yukihito Obara and Ruby Rumiko Bessho. Additional engineering by Eng Tat Khoo (Keio-NUS CUTE Center & Mixed Reality Lab). Website: http://people.brunel.ac.uk/dap/ukiyo.html For further information, call +44 (0)1895 267 343 Or email: Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk This project is supported by a PMi2/connect British Council research cooperation Award, a grant by The Japan Foundation, The Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance at Brunel University, and KIBLA. The time mentioned in the announcement is time in Slovenia.
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