Workshop at MIRA Live Visual Arts Camp
11th, 12th and 13th of November of 2014, from 10th to 20h.
Fabra i Coats - Barcelona, Spain
It will cover principles about how visualization, motion analysis and choreography can come together in a contemporary context. (more information clicking on the photo)
by Arístides García (lasal) [SP] and Christian Loclair (Mio) [DE]
How do we develop a meaning of algorithms? How do we develop a meaning of movement? What does it mean when they collide?
We want to explore, discuss and share different approaches to weave digital visualizations into dance in an unpretentious way. In this 3 days workshop we will show several ways of interaction between the moving object and the digital media.
MIRA Live Visual Arts Camp
Three days of workshops, presentations and other activities about advanced projections, lights and visual scenery, visuals generation, and the digital interaction with dance and theatre.
Live Visual Arts Camp is coproduced by MIRA, Telenoika and ZZZINC.
All information and tickets: