Dec 20, 2010 - Dec 22, 2010; Mon, Tue, Wed11:00 AM - 1:00 PMBased on The Juliu Horvath System Applying Yoga principles, but unlike a traditional Hatha Yoga class, positions are not held but repeated in a fluid undulation. Through instinct and imagery the class allows an individual to gently unravel knots both mental and physical.The word Yoga means a coming together of body, mind and spirit. Dancers are guided by spirit and use the mind to control the body Too often though the mind gets in the way of the spirit, and the body becomes confused, stiff and unresponsive!This class provides a way to achieve flexibility in the body yet maintain the control, to pass smoothly from one shape to another It allows the mind to relax, while rhythm and breath take over. At the same time it addresses elements of technique that apply directly to ballet placement, line, and control.