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If you are representing an organization, what is the name of the organization:
AΦE, A+E Lab
If you are representing an organization, what kind of organization?
XR Dance Company, Studio
First Name (Required: even if you are representing an organization you must use your name)
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
AΦE (AE) is a Medway/Kent (UK) based dance company founded by Aoi Nakamura and Esteban Lecoq. Their uniqueness lies in the use of technology to completely reinvent audience participation by touring their productions worldwide. AΦE is an associate artist of the Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries – University of Kent (iCCi) and in 2022 they launched A+E Lab, a cultural and technology hub located at Historic Dockyard Chatham, UK, producing innovative productions and delivering community and artist engagement programmes related to technology and culture. Across all their work, they engaged over 101,000 live audiences and participants internationally.
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Artistic Director