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Ashley A. Friend
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
Choreographer and Dancer and Video/Sound Editor and Painter and Writer and youtuber and Artistic Director of The Contemporary Dance Core.
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:
Spanish, German, Russian, Texan, Oregonian, and finally Californian
So great to hear from you! What a small world we know!
The residency went really well at San Luis Obispo- the students were great, Diana is awesome, and the town is beautiful. It was a great trip.
I'm actually at the airport in Phoenix right now- just finished a week-long residency at Scottsdale Community College. Do you know Angela Rosenkrans? She's the director of the dance program there- a surprisingly strong program for a community college! I made a new work for the company dancers. Ah, to be an artist :) yay.
I hope your trip back to NYC went well- you didn't end up in the Hudson, did you?
Take care, best of luck, and have a wonderful and prosperous new year.
All the Best,
Chad Michael Hall
Visiting Assistant Professor
Dance Program
Loyola Marymount University
You are here. I am here. Yet we aren't together. I called you back this morning.
can't wait to see you, n
Maybe directional opposition, weight, and balance will always be there for us. Maybe the classic model of dance technique will hold its place. But there is a new breed of tomatoes among our dancing-thinking community. We'll need to devise technique to work for them - us - and you are among those pursuing that.
We have to realize that every moment is a new moment... no matter what remains of the past we are circulating within and around.
Hi Ashley. This is great. Your idea about the environment, the natural raw environment, being a scary body brings up a couple of things for me. 1 is that this work resolves the tension of dance when technique creates a dichotomy between internal space and external space. The relationship between internal space and external space can be construed many ways, but ultimately space is an extension of ourselves (we are part of ecology).
Speaking of Ecology, we spend most days in architecturally neutered spaces, so we are not equipped to deal with the changing terrain of unaltered nature. Dancing in Sololos, going outside and feeling how muffled the dance suddenly felt, makes me notice how our architectural spaces centralize human beings. It's a skewed reality.
Ultimately, media calls for adaptability to change, at least cognitively - upgrades and digital spaces take us to new interfaces at hyper speed. At the same time, our relationship with nature has never been so predominately important - going green, fuel crisis, Amazon land laws buckling, sustainability.
During a time of heightened awareness about the importance of our balanced relationship with our environment, and our need to adapt to changing virtual and digital spaces, I find this moving adventure proactive, and courageous.
how is your tour coming along? i'm just about to leave glasgow and return to continental wilderness.