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Carmen de Torres was born in Seville. She studied regional dances with Carmen Cano and flamenco with Jose Jurado, Juan Morilla, Manolo Marin, Jose Galvan, La Tona. She has worked with Tomas del Perrate, Curro Fernandez, Segundo Falcon, Aurora Vargas, La Macanita, Juana la del Revuelo, Jose de la Tomasa, Esperanza Fernandez, Concha Vargas, Eva La yerbabuena, Israel Galvan, Calixto Sánchez, Pansequito, etc.
She has performed in countries such as Canada, United States of America, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Russia and Spain.
Among her work, we would like to mention performances such as La Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, Tour of Peñas Flamencas of Seville organized by the Federation of Peñas Flamencas de Sevilla and yearly tours in theatres of Germany and Switzerland.
During these last years, she has been busy touring Canada teaching intensive workshops and performing in the cities of Winnipeg and Vancouver. She has performed during the past four years at the Feria de la Mujer in Seville which takes place every March at El Casino de la Exposcion, Palacio de Congresos and Relaes Atarazanas. For the last six years, she has been performing and teaching intensive workshops all across Germany including the Hamburg Flamenco Festival where for two years she had to do a second show the same day because of the first show being sold out. Performances at the Feria de Abril de Sevilla at the Casetas del Ayuntamiento. Yearly festivities such as La Cruz de Mayo del Casco Antiguo de Sevilla, Flamenco Festivals in Seville such as the Festival de Lora del Río, Festival de Castilleja de la Cuesta, Festival Flamenco de Villanueva del Ariscal, performance at the Centro Cívico del Cerro del Águila Sevilla under the program Sevilla a Escena organizad by The Ayuntamiento de Sevilla Área de Cultura. She has practically dedicated all her life to teaching . She has been teaching at her own studio in Seville for ten years, now moved to Castilleja de la Cuesta where she. She has been teaching for the last 5 years the annual course of Formación de Formadoras en Arte Flamenco for the Delegación de Igualdad del Ayuntamiento de Seville. She has also been in Moscow teaching master classes to more than 50 students in each course, and performing as guest artist at the Costa Del Flamenco Dance Company. She has worked for a Flamenco documental for the National Moscow Television filmed in Russia and for the National China Television filmed in Seville.
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Movement artist(dancer/interdisciplinary performer), Musician, Independent Educators (consultant/ instructors/ workshop leaders/ lecturers/ researchers)
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:
I was unable to reach "Flamenco in Canada.htm" so perhaps there is more to the address? The singer and musicians with your daughter were also commendable - I did not immediately see notes about who did what, and where the performance occurred (in Spain, I suspect). A very fine ensemble all together.
I intend to move to B.C. within the next year or two... I've friends who are nearby, and had composed for a friend who taught at Simon Frazer. I believe her daughter is teaching there now (and that's where my stepdaughter also studied dance a bit). I'll be north of Victoria rather than on the Vancouver side.
Best regards
When I am next in Montréal I will take opportunities to find a club, and perhaps sometime will encounter your daughter. There is a small flamenco scene in Minneapolis USA I understand, and perhaps other small pockets of capable performers here and there that I may be able to travel to. Mili Bermejo has offered to teach me privately in the summers, if I can improve upon my Spanish. 8-}
Best regards.