We would like to invite you to this new project, Posthuman Corporealities - Network Festival Symposium, starting already this week with the 1th Workshop Series on Somatic and Technological Dance with Salud López LaboratorioSLD, Parad is0/No ay billets project, and on the following week with Isabel Valverde GAIPS/INESC-ID, Senses Places collaborative project.
This initiative by Valverde with López is integrated within the CIAC-UAb Node (Arts and Communication Research Center), at the Ceia Palace, Lisbon.
The sessions will be fully streamed and easily accessed on our website/channel. Participation online happens through the shared network platform Colibri. With the technical support of the Open University.
Registration is open. Get in touch if you want to participate in any form.
Workshop with Salud López > Project Parad is0 / LaboratorioSLD
"Entrenamiento para Pensadores en Movimiento"/ Training for Thinkers in Movement
17 a 21 Março/March 17.30-20h, Sábado 22 9.30-12h
Workshop with Isabel Valverde > Project Senses Places
"Interfaces Corporealizadas" / Embodied Interfaces
24 a 28 March 17.30-20h
Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação
Polo da Universidade Aberta (Polo CIAC-UAb)
Palácio Ceia, Rua da Escola Politécnica 147, Lisboa
Tel./Fax.: +351 213 916 393/517
Streaming channel of UAberta and Ustream:
Ustream: http://posthumancorporealities.weebly.com/ustream-channel.html
Open to physical and online participation through COLIBRI Multimedia Collaborative Environment. Please send email to receive info about and join the sessions.
Participantes: students and professionals of dance, performance, movement, theater, creative computation, media, architecture, human and social sciences, videogames, and everybody interested in somatic and technological approaches to embodiment for creative, artistic, political, pedagogical, personal, or other.
For more information: http://posthumancorporealities.weebly.com/
29 March
21h30 Parad is0
23h Senses Places (3pm, Second Life)
Performances including physical-virtual workshop participants and collaborators
Hello, I would like to join the streaming if it is available for the performance on the 29th. of March.