Joining date:
February 15, 2013
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Joining date:
February 15, 2013
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Presenter, Festival, Artists Services, Producer, University, Education
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About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
Philippe Baudelot is director of Digital Performances & Cultures, an association dédicated to development of digital art and performances. Semiologist, multimedia consultant and journalist, he has worked since 1973 in the sector of the new technologies of information and the communication as the director of the development of the Society of European Video Edition (SEVE), one of the first companies of video production having existed in France. From 1977 to 1983, he taught media communications in the University Paris XII. At the same time, he is a media specialized journalist and research manager. He participated in the " free radios " adventure. In 1983, he became director of the development of the press agency Gamma Television, in charge of a project for a channel of continuous information associating the Gamma Agency, the AFP and ³Le Monde². In 1987, he joined the ICS (Intercultralities and Semiotics) company as director of the department of media. There he realized several studies for the French Ministry for the Arts and Communications, national and local television channels and audiovisual producers. In 1992, he became an independent consultant. As such, he worked as consultant and director of research for the Club of Investment Media (an European Media 95 program in charge of the development of the digital and interactive contents), for the Association of the Mayors of Big Cities of France (studies on the development of the information and communication technologies in the city). He also realized studies for the French Ministry of Education, INA, France 3... In 1996, he created the colloquium Interactive Television and Multimedia ( ITVM). This colloquium was organized in partnership with the INA-Imagina then with the CST. In 1998, he conceived the multimedia sector of Monaco Dance Forum of which was project manager for digital dance til 2007. He is curatoir on the digital Arts and the Dansoir - Karine Saporta, Printemps de la Dabnse in Tunis, lecturer at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (Departments ACL and Dance) and consultant for the Cda Enghien les Bains.
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Administrators/Artist services
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English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:
J'espère que vous accepter mon invitation ami MoveStream. Je tiens à vous envoyer une lettre au sujet de shooting interviews et des vidéos pour le festival en Afrique.
best Jeannette
Un souvenir de Barcelone
can you give me your email
Merci (avec du retard) de nous avoir ajouté a vos amis,
Rosa et Alain
body data space that I am invited to dresden. what do you mean realize videos. I have two dvd's showing some of the research and the public showing i recently did of Darker Edge of Night.
Maybe you are working with Ghislaine on the virtual physical Bodies exhibition just opening soon ??/ I am curious to hear how my writing will work in French. if you want a dvd of research DEON let me know I can send to you bw hellen
and as I type to you also typing an application to help afford the air fare. did you know that their is an exhibition in paris open now I think called Virtual Physical Bodies, a body data space exhibition at Centre des Arts, Enghien - les - Bains Paris. i have some text included in the catalogue. maybe you will see it
best wishes and I look forward to hearing more about your centre
Heureux que vous nous ayiez invités à être vos amis.
Espérons que vous allez bien et que vos projets se réalisent.
Martine et Denis