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Apetitos LP'11

Durante todo el mes de marzo iremos publicando en este Blog diferentes Apetitos relacionados con los artistas que presentan sus trabajos o propuestas en LP’11.

Los apetitos-fuentes son textos, vídeos, audios, imágenes (vamos, cualquier cosa que podamos colgar o de la que podamos daros la referencia a través de la red) que no tienen porqué estar directamente relacionados con el trabajo específico que el artista o teórico presentará en LP’11.  A  veces los apetitos serán invitaciones en las que los artistas os propondrán una reflexión sobre cuestiones que les ocupan o que transitan por su obra en general, otras serán textos o entrevistas en vídeo en los que se cuestionan el contexto o el medio.  En otros casos no serán materiales propios, sino citas de textos o imágenes que les han servido como fuentes, como motores, como inspiración; en algunos casos serán breves filmaciones de otros trabajos que no se presentarán en LP’11 y,  en ocasiones, reflexiones críticas de otros autores sobre obras anteriores o relatos de experiencias pasadas…

Los apetitos son una forma de invitaros a abrir la mirada y acercarnos a los diferentes autores que conforman ese cuerpo múltiple que es LP’11.

¡Bon appétit!

Aquí va un primer aperitivo  en “acción”: “I’m going to perform one of my musical compositions….” John Cage

John Cage performing “Water Walk” in January, 1960 on the popular TV show I’ve Got A Secret

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Discover Spider Galaxies, the new creation of the Cie Gilles Jobin, in pre premiere on March 3rd at 4 pm for the opening of the Swiss Dance Days festival in Bern.


After the heady Black Swan he created in 2009, Gilles Jobin commits himself further into movement with this new piece. Accompanied by 4 iconographer dancers, he conceives elaborate generators of figurative abstraction, while Cristian Vogel and Carla Scaletti invoke the particles and Daniel Demont disperses the spectrum. Protean, infinitely large or infinitesimal, such are the Spider Galaxies…


More information on the cie's website



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Politically engaged art practices have been important inputs for feminist theory throughout history. In the contemporary art landscape, the work of Spanish multimedia artist Jaime del Val proves to be as innovative as it is provocative in how it reflects complex phenomena – from the undoing of traditional understandings of bodies and identities, to the capitalism of affects and the influence of surveillance technologies. Del Val's expressive strategies such as combining urban interventions with microcameras, and dance movements electronically coded and turned into visual images, create engaged artistic projects such as his ‘Antibodies of Surveillance’ and ‘European TelePlateaus’, respectively. The interview format allows for the exchange of first-hand information from a creative and multidisciplinary posthuman standpoint that questions dichotomous thinking in terms of sex/gender, human/non-human, activism/academy, ability/disability, among others. The result is a mapping of the work of this transnational artist that might inspire fruitful debates on ways to develop alternatives for social, cultural and political change.

In Volume 1, Issue 2

Autumn 2010

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Seriously, when there is no music all I hear is the scuffing and dragging of feet and for the youth-fully challenged, some joints popping.  Unless I watch a video of you dancing and the music has been either disabled by youtube or there is simply no sound available.

I challenged you dancers to show me a dance sequence without any music.  Why?  Well, what else can a DJ blog about on a 'dance' blog?


What if you could have music made specifically to your talent, speed or routine?  How about a sound-alike music track? Matched precisely to your desire.


I use to customize a dozen songs for aerobic instructors.  Just a thought.


Thank You,


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