The VI Contemporary Dance and Performing Arts Festival will take place from the 2nd to the 6th of September 2015.
The festival is conceived as an annual meeting where artists and amateurs interested in Contemporary Dance and Performing Arts gather together to create, interact, attend performances and take part in high quality workshops.
Dancers, performers and amateurs will stay for 5 days together again in the Natural Park Cabo de Gata, Almería,
Nature, culture and creation will merge again in this breathtaking landmark in the south-east of Spain.
Programme Costa Contemporánea 2015
This year the festival offers 4 workshops in contemporary dance and performing arts led by Spanish and international well-known teachers :
– Guillermo Weickert (Weickert Cia)
– María Muñoz y Pep Ramis (Mal Pelo)
– Alexis Fernández y Caterina Valera ( La Macana)
Morning Workshops will be in charge of Guillermo Weickert and María Muñoz & Pep Ramis (Mal Pelo). Guillermo Weickert offers his experience in contemporary dance and physical theatre, which he has developped in a physical vocabulary of his own. Mal Pelo has been developed its own artistic language through the movement, incorporating the theatricality with the creation of dramatic arts that include the word. They offer their experience as a creative group characterized by a shared responsibility, which has given like result more than 25 performances.
Afternoons will be dedicated to research, interaction and experimentation in connection with nature. Elías Aguirre will work on the physicality and theanimality, getting the inspiration from nature. La Macana will explore the inner tools to control your actions and emotions, using all your potential and being aware of it to redirect it in a performatic way.
Performances, pieces and artists confirmed:
The festival will hold its opening gala on the 2nd of September 2015, when the three finalists of the II Choreography Contest Mujer Contemporánea will perform their pieces and the jury and the audience will decide on the winner.
The next three days will be the time to enjoy the works of experienced and well-known artists as well those of emerging artists.:
3rd September: Variety Show Night
Ana Cembrero, Lost Archive (Valencia). Videodance
Nicolas Rambaud, ¡Valgo? (Madrid). Dance
Irene de Paz, The skein, (Madrid/ Almería), Contemporary Circus
Elías Aguirre, Longfade (Madrid). Dance
4th September: My great Night
Francisco Córdova & Kiko López, Postskriptum (Barcelona). Dance
María Muñoz, Bach (Barcelona). Dance
Alberto Cortés + María del Mar Suárez, Mariché López. Omar Janaan, Yo antes era mejor (Málaga). Flamenco-theatre
5th September: Dance Fever
Guillermo Weickert, non defined yet (Sevilla). Dance
Alexis Fernández y Caterina Varela (La Macana), Ven (Galicia). Dance
Poliana Lima + Lucia Marote, Stefano Fabris, Aitor Galán, Ángel Perabá, VidAL Marina Santo, Atávico (Madrid). Dance
Smantik, screening “II Costa Contemporánea” (Melilla). Videodance
Jam Session, Dance
VI Costa Contemporánea: 2 – 6 Sept 2015
Pack – Price: 385 euros
It includes:
– 4 workshops
– Entrance to all shows
– Accommodation from 2nd to 6th September and full board
More information:
The entrance fees for the shows outside the pack:
II Contest Contemporary Women -Award Gala – 6 /*4 €
Variety Show Night – 8 / *6€
My great Night – 10 /* 8 €
Dance Fever – 10 / *8 €
*Discount: Unemployed people, children 5-10 years old.
Free entrance for 4 years old children and younger.