Wir improvisieren mit der Kamera und entwickeln Videomaterial aus improvisiertem Tanz. Kameratechniken wie ‘in-camera editing’ (das gleichzeitige Editieren und Filmen) helfen uns, mit der Kamera in Bewegung und mit dem Körper im Tanz zu bleiben. Grundwissen im Umgang mit der Kamera erwünscht. Bitte eigene Kamera mitbringen wenn vorhanden.
This workshop explores ways of improvising with the camera and ways in which improvised dance can be used to generate video dance material. We will experiment with how camera techniques can capture the spontaneity, energy, presence and connection to the audience of an improvised dance performance. Practising in-camera editing techniques will help us to stay in motion and close to the creative, aesthetic and philosophical aspects of dancing on screen. Katrina will facilitate this process in a balance between active moving and filming, between teaching, experimentation, enquiry and support to the group.
Katrina McPherson (UK) is one of the world’s leading screendance artists; author of Making Video Dance (Routledge 2006); director of multi-award-winning film There is a Place, a collaboration with Chinese-Tibetan dancer Sang Jijia; Force of Nature, a performance documentary featuring Kirstie Simson.
Mittwoch_11.7._15.30 h
Film-Screening Force of Nature
Donnerstag_12.7._15.30 h
Workshopshowing Capturing Moving Images
Tanzfabrik Berlin/Kreuzberg
Möckernstr. 68, 10965 Berlin