Give get, give getThose of you that have been by our Feedback exhibition—and we’re pleased to report heavy foot traffic—will know all about drinking and peeing. There’s a similar cycle that keeps Eyebeam’s ecosystem in good health, and that’s giving and getting! Mark your calendars for our annual tech-infused bacchanal: Eyebeam’s 2008 Benefit celebrates freedom and creativity, will take place May 6. In the meantime, swing by this Saturday for the culmination of Joseph DeLappe’s reenactment of Gandhi’s March to Dandi—The Salt Satyagraha Online, his 240 mile treadmill-trek through Second Life. Other reasons to stop by: composting, power-plant building and street-reclaiming workshops. Our lovely new signage on our building’s facade will help you find your way.
This Week at Eyebeam:April 5: FEEDBACK: Alternative Energy Sources + Use/Reuse Workshops April 8: Green Drinks NYC at Eyebeam April 15: Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008 April 19: FEEDBACK: Sustainability Action Day: Toxic Tours + Urban Gardening New From our Labs:April 3 – 4: They Were Here installation by Addie Wagenknecht April 4: Application online: Interactivos? @ Eyebeam April 4: Open Source for Snobs at MIND08 April 5: Party at Dandi: Celebrate Gandhi’s mileage in Second Life + Eyebeam April 10 – 12: Forays takes over Pittsburgh and Braddock, PA Community:Share Prize Winner 2008: Eyebeam alum Chris Sugrue April 2: Where We Are Now: Locating Art and Politics in New York City April 2: Call to Artists: Windows Brooklyn

Alternative Energy Sources + Use/Reuse Workshops Date: April 5, 3 – 6PM Location: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC Cost: Free Sign-up: bookstore AT eyebeam DOT org
Eyebeam resident artist Joo Youn Paek presents Expand-a-Bag, an inflatable craft workshop. Eyebeam alums Jenny Broutin, Carmen Trudell and Mouna Andraos will lead a workshop in which participants create personal power stations using alternative energy sources. The Personal Power Plant is a portable device that harvests energy using a solar cell and hand crank generator. The device also includes a visual multimeter to monitor the amount of energy stored. top

Green Drinks NYC Date: April 8, 6 – 9PM Location: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC Cost: Free
Eyebeam is pleased to host the next Green Drinks NYC, a monthly gathering of individuals with professional or personal interest in environmental issues. Green Drinks take place 6 – 10PM on the second Tuesday of each month at various Manhattan hotspots. Come to network, share info and make friends this Tuesday at Eyebeam! top

OP_ERA by Daniela Kutschat Hanns + Rejane Cantoni Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008 Date: April 15, 6:30 – 8PM Location: Symposium: Parsons, The New School for Design, 66 W. 12th St., NYC | Closing Reception: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC Cost: Free Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008, a Cultural Olympics project that will open at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing in June 2008, launches in NYC with programming co-organized by the exhibition’s curator, Zhang Ga, the MoMA, Parsons School of Design and Eyebeam. On April 15, following a day-long symposium at Parsons, Eyebeam will feature performances by Eyebeam artists Jeff Crouse, Stephanie Rothenberg, Taeyoon Choi, and Friedrich Kirchner from 8 – 10PM. For more information visit: top

Sustainability Action Day: Toxic Tours + Urban Gardening Date: April 19, 3 – 6PM Location: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC Cost: Free
Join Feedback artists Natalie Jeremijenko, Leah Gauthier, Brooke Singer, and The Lower East Side Ecology Center for a day of workshops. Natalie Jeremijenko will present No Park, a project on maximizing paved roads. Leah Gauthier will lead Sow-In, in which participants will distribute hundreds of seed pots to community gardeners across the city for transplant, care, harvest, and seed saving. The Lower East Side Ecology Center will lead demonstrations on composting with worms. Brooke Singer will lead tours through very local sites of contamination (such as Greenpoint, Williamsburg, and Gowanus). Tours will be guided by a private toxicologist who studies the legacy of industrial areas within NYC that are not classified by the EPA but are, in some cases, more harmful than Superfund sites. top
New From our Labs
They Were Here Date: April 3 – 4, all day Location: Clement Clarke Moore Park, 22nd St. and 10th Ave., NYC
They Were Here is an installation by Addie Wagenknecht, a fellow in the production lab, installed at the Northwest corner of Clement Clarke Moore Park, located at 22nd St. and 10th Ave., Chelsea. A flock of stark, white, static two-dimensional birds inhabit a tree. The birds’ physical negatives were modeled on the actual species that once inhabited Manhattan. According to a recent Audubon Society report, 20 species of birds are declining at a rate of 68 percent a year. Stop by the park for a vision of what once was. top

Entramado, Plaza de Luz, installation and photo by Pablo Valbuena. Interactivos? @ Eyebeam Date: April 4: Call for Participation online April 25: Application Deadline | May 15: Notification of acceptance May 26: Call for Collaborators | May 29: Notification of acceptance
Interactivos? was initiated by the Medialab-Prado program and the Madrid City Council in 2006. The two week program is a hybrid workshop, exhibition, and seminar. This summer, Eyebeam joins Medialab-Prado in running Interactivos? as part of its annual summer workshop-based programming. Through a call for participation targeting artists, engineers, musicians, programmers, designers, architects, and hackers, Interactivos? seeks a set of projects for collective development, within a set of inter-disciplinary work groups. Once projects have been selected from the call for participation, a second call will be published for individuals to apply to become collaborators on the selected projects. Completed projects will be presented in an exhibition July 12 – August 9, at the end of the program. The program will be produced by Eyebeam staff and fellows, with the support of local community members. Please see the Call for Participation after April 4 for more details. top
Open Source for Snobs at MIND08 Date: April 4, 9AM – 6PM Location: Tishman Auditorium, Parsons, The New School for Design, 66 W. 12th St., NYC Cost: Free R&D OpenLab Fellows Ayah Bdeir and Jessica Banks will present Open Source for Snobs at MIND08 on Friday, April 4. Their talk will take place during the afternoon session two, Design in the Near Future. MIND08 is a conference presented by SEED and MoMA and inspired by Design and the Elastic Mind. Bringing together an eclectic group of speakers and participants, including leading scientists, designers, and architects, the conference will explore topics such as the personal genome, brain visualization, generative architecture, and collective design. top

Reenactment: The Salt Satyagraha Online—Gandhi’s March to Dandi in Second Life—Last Day of the March Date: April 5, 12 – 6PM Location: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC, and Eyebeam Island after 5PM Saturday, April 5 marks the culmination of Eyebeam artist and resident Joseph DeLappe’s 22 day and 240 mile reenactment of Gandhi’s Salt March to Dandi, the 1930’s walk in protest of the British Salt Act of 1882. On Saturday, DeLappe will have completed this trek on a treadmill installed at Eyebeam, which he used to control a Gandhi avatar in Second Life. The public is invited to witness the final steps at Eyebeam, or online in Second Life. The march will end at the Eyebeam Island in Second Life, with MGandhi Chakrabarti’s arrival some time after 5PM Eastern time: For daily start locations visit the project blog: top

Forays into Lifestyle | Forays into Blow Jobs | Forays into Pink Date: April 10 – 11 Location: Various, Pittsburgh + Braddock, PA Cost: Free
Forays into Lifestyle Eyebeam alum Adam Bobbette and senior fellow Geraldine Juárez will present their new installation Forays into Lifestyle, as part of the touring exhibition Other Options, organized by INCubate. The exhibition will feature objects they have been constructing by repurposing and hacking the urban infrastructure of New York City. The show opens on April 11 in Tent Show, 6 – 9PM. Forays into Blow Jobs As part of the collaborative process of Forays, the group will work with Carnegie Mellon University students in the storefront of Good Services, to construct a system to repurpose vehicle traffic to inflate a car-sized iceberg balloon. The action will take place on April 10 at noon, 2628 East Carson St., Pittsburgh, directly across from South Side Works. Forays into Pink On April 12, Forays will unveil their Snake and Ladders labyrinth game, equipped with a giant inflatable die. Snake and Ladders is a DIY scaffolding structure attached to a building in Braddock. The event is part of public projects created for Points of Interest, an event organized by Braddock Active Arts and featuring work by Swoon, Leon Reid, Material Exchange and Forays, among others. Transportation from Pittsburgh to Braddock will be available. The event will run all day. top
CommunityCongratulations to Eyebeam alum Chris Sugrue who was awarded the Share Prize 2008 at the Share Festival this year. Cluster Magazine, Italy, featured this article on March 19: top
Where We Are Now: Locating Art and Politics in New York City | Network-Wide Meeting Date: April 2, 6:30 – 8:30PM Location: Judson Church, 239 Thompson St., at W. 3rd St., NYC, in the assembly hall basement
In October 2007 a call was circulated for a meeting of art, academic and activist institutions and individuals to discuss the merits of a coordinated strategy to raise awareness of the many art and politics discussions and projects in the city, while making an impact on the politics of NYC and beyond. One month later, more than 60 representatives from a range of institutions convened, and the Where We Are Now network was born. Our goal is to demonstrate that powerful critical voices still exist, in pursuit of global justice, agency and participation. Using the pivotal moment of the 2008 presidential election, we share a sense that the times have changed and are ours to claim. Through activities as diverse as art exhibitions, days of decentralized action, street performances and pedagogical conferences, we seek to gauge the status of the political in contemporary art, and consider how we may act as resources for one another and for communities within and beyond New York City. Network-wide meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of every month at the same location and time. top
Windows Brooklyn Date: June 14 – 22 Location: Carroll Gardens and Cobble Hill, Brooklyn
Sara Jones, Andrea Wenglowskij, and Eyebeam alum Leah Gauthier are curating a show entitled Windows Brooklyn, and are inviting local artists to participate. Windows Brooklyn is an art exhibition which will be installed in numerous storefronts along Court St. and Smith St. in Carroll Gardens and CobbleHill, Brooklyn from June 14 – 22. This is an opportunity for local artists to make newwork in response to public space. Photos of the participatingstores are online, soyou can tailor your proposal to a particular location. Information about the show and the application process are online at: top |