Dancebase (1)

Dance Festival in Edinburgh

As you might know is currently the Edinburgh Festival on and so Dancebase put together an eclectic and exciting selection of performing artists and companies.More info of the upcoming shows can be found on first show I went to see was Appel by Decalage. The performers Mickael Marso Riviere and Navala Chaudhari showed a sensual and exotic mix of bboying and capoeira accompanied by live music by Jason Kalidas using Bansuri and Tabla. As a viewer you feel like you are in a dessert with the sun rising revealing Chaudhari in an elegant contortionist position before she starts gently moving like a snake across the sand. Then Riviere comes in with a powerful solo of break dancing moves before both performers break into a well-tuned duet.More about Decalage can be found on excerpt of the piece: than a year ago I produced the 3 minutes video TRENCH with Company Chameleon while they were still in development of their final piece Rites. Thus, it was very exciting to see the full 42 minutes performance of the complete piece Rites of which Trench is a section. Rites is a breath taking dance work that demands everything from its performers Anthony Missen and Kevin Turner. Drawn from personal experiences of what it means to be a man through showing the different stages that shape us: family, friends, happy moments and extreme situations. Company Chameleon really gives the audience something they can relate to and to take away with them.More about Company Chameleon on excerpt of the piece third piece I would like to mention is The Simplicity of Grasping Air by Lindsay John. A large floor and back wall projection of slowed down water footage by Jane McInally reminds of a moving Van Gogh's painting and works well with John's Butoh movements. The notes I took along the piece say that it is too slow for my awareness which I mean in a positive way because I feel I am there in every single bit of the moment. My mind is not rushing is just here. I have to really look how things evolve...Another article about Lindsay John's The Simplicity of Grasping Air can be found on
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