I have two different names:
Liliana Goldman (maiden name)
Liliana Carrizo (married name)
According to a U.S. census information website (http://www.census-online.us/search/GOLDMAN,LILIANA) there are 5 of us “Liliana Goldman”s who exist (at least in this part of the world). One of my alter-cyber-identities is a pug, who happens to like fine jewelry: http://www.facebook.com/people/Liliana-Goldman/100000632676599. Another is a girl on myspace who has one friend. His name is Tom Anderson. When I take a midde name, M., I become an electric engineer in Maryland, and when I take the last name “Cohen” I become a building owner in Brooklyn who was sued by a construction worker. The case went to the New York Supreme Court and is still pending. As Mrs. Cohen I also have an unclaimed stimulus check which I would love to get a hold of.
A LOT of stuff popped up about some non-profit work I did in Mongolia (actually me), so much so that “mongolia” is suggested as an additional search term when my name is typed into google, which I thought was a little strange:
There’s some info about jazz performances I did at Williams College in undergrad and at UIUC:
As “Lili” Goldman I have many more alter egos:
I’m a cute baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOoICs9QvUA
Someone who’s really into sports cars http://www.facebook.com/people/Lili-Goldman/1637004446
And a travel author and watercolor painter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tfjwtjvlwI who co-wrote a book called The Science of Disorder: Understanding the Complexity, Uncertainty, and Pollution of Our World.
I’m also a high schooler who’s a singer and ballet dancer http://www.youthinarts.org/td_members.html#lgoldman, and I was thanked by a friend in his dissertation at Duke: http://dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/10161/2382/D_Jarrin_Alvaro_a_201005.pdf?sequence=1. Additionally, you can count me among the members of the Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and I’m listed as a contact for finding wedding dresses in Shanghai.
As “Liliana Carrizo” I am definitely Latina. I’m a medical doctor in Mumbai, India, originally from Cordoba, Argentina http://in.linkedin.com/pub/liliana-carrizo/4/b55/975. I'm also some random lady in Barcelona, and a clothing designer in Buenos Aires:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/LILIANA-CARRIZO-MODA-Y-ACCESORIOS/335648185733, http://www.lilianacarrizomoda.com.ar/
I’m also a co-author of an article called “Apoptosis induction is associated with decreased NHE1 expression in neonatal unilateral ureteric obstruction” in the British Journal of Urology
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2007.06840.x/abstract, and a 39 year-old lady from Argentina on some dating websites who wishes to “make friends” with a guy between the ages of 34-45: http://badoo.com/01122540288/
I’m a FLAS fellow (actually me): https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/17425/CGS.newsletter.fall2010.final.pdf?sequence=2
And someone who wrote her Master’s thesis on Mongolian music (also me):
And finally, when I am Liliana Goldman Carrizo, all that pops up is my profile on dance-tech.net!