The Fibreculture Journal   



MEDEA and the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University, Sweden.

Issue 21: Exploring affective interactions. 

AffeXity: Performing Affect with Augmented Reality by Susan Kozel


Playing on both ‘affect city’ and ‘a-fixity’, AffeXity is an interdisciplinary, collaborative, social choreography project drawing together dance, geo-spatially tagged visual imagery, and people using mobile-networked devices. Located in Medea’s wider research and production profile, this is a particularly material and performative example of the “Internet of Things.”

Project description
Cities are made up of layers of choreographies, these are patterns of relations between people, technologies, and architectures. AffeXity will insert additional choreographic video layers viewed through Argon, a free open-source augmented reality browser. These layers of dance emphasise ebbs and flows of affect; they are created and sensed by bodies in motion.

Playing on both ‘affect city’ and ‘a-fixity’, AffeXity is an interdisciplinary, collaborative, social choreography project drawing together dance, geo-spatially tagged visual imagery, and people using mobile-networked devices. Located in Medea’s wider research and production profile, this is a particularly material and performative example of the “Internet of Things.”

Affexity is a collaboration between:

Susan Kozel (MEDEA, Malmö University, Sweden)
Jeannette Ginslov (Director of Screendance Africa & MoveStream, Denmark/South Africa)
- Timo Engelhardt (Master’s student in the Media Software Design programme, Malmö Högskola, Sweden)
Jay David Bolter (Mixed Environments Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Maria Engberg (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and Georgia Tech USA)
- Wubkje Kuindersma (Dance Artist, Copenhagen)
- Additional screendance artists, choreographers, and dancers to be confirmed.


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