We are pleased to announce a new special issue of Participations, the Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. This special edition includes articles from a variety of perspectives and methodological approaches discussing how audiences watch and engage with dance on screen; does screen dance, a form often articulated in terms of hybridity also promote new, hybrid forms of spectatorship?
Edited by Matthew Reason and Dee Reynolds, the special issue includes the following contents:
Reason, Matthew & Dee Reynolds (Guest Editors - Special Edition):
Bench, Harmony:
'Screendance 2.0: Social Dance-Media'
David, Ann:
'Dancing the diasporic dream? Embodied desires and the changing audiences for Bollywood film dance'
Pearlman, Karen:
'If a dancing figure falls in the forest and nobody sees her...'
Reason, Matthew:
'Thinking about Audiences: a dance film-maker's perspective. An interview with Alex Reuben'
Wood, Karen:
'An investigation into audiences' televisual experience of Strictly Come Dancing'
You can find the special edition here or visit www.participations.org.