Ideas and thoughts:
-Delay, Distance, Decay - Elements of TP to be overcome, or embraced(?)
-Sound and alternative sense of space are results of telematic experiences
-Simplify - Complex dance can muddy the overall intention of a TP
-Camera choreography as critical part of TP experience (including specific ideas for artistic use of camera in TP)
-WHAT - Is TP a screen dance?
-WHERE does TP take place? On the screen? In the spaces?
-WHERE is the audience?
-WHO is the audience? IS THERE AN AUDIENCE?
-Discovering the "plie" of telematic dance - Will there be such a thing?
-WHY does any of this matter? Couldn't we just dance to a recorded video and have the same experience?
...are we feeling the "Telematic Embrace" yet?
-Jeff Z.