Italy (2)

in Rho - Milan
4th - 10th december 2010 7 days, 5 hrs/day

for info and registration:
Associazione Il Cortile Via G. Garibaldi 30, 20017 Rho (MI)
Tel. +39 02 9300205 mobile + 39 347 8805330

For english speaking people: Laura Banfi tel. +39 3498436046 or Laura Giudici tel +39 3382003356 (english & french)

011-012 (november, april, november)
6 week intensive workshop series with Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson
at Earthdance, Plainfield, Massachussetts, USA
this is still in the planning stage, full info will be available at by november 010.

Tuning Scores: Composition and the Sense of Imagination
The Tuning Score, a performance research format, asks what do we see
when we're looking at dance. The research focusses on the physical base
of the imagination. Composition, communication, and performance are the
subjects. By altering the way we use our senses while moving and
watching movement, we identify how the movement patterns of our senses
influence how and why we move, and shape our interaction with our inner
and outer environments.
Focussing on vision, touch, and hearing, the scores provoke
spontaneous compositions that make evident our opinions about space,
time, and action, and provide tools and a framework for communication
and collaboration amongst us.
The tools of the score cross disciplinary lines and give insight
into and practice of performance and dance-making processes. Performing
artists of all disciplines welcome.

Lisa Nelson is a dance-maker, improvisational performer, videographer,
and collaborative artist who has been exploring the role of the senses
in the performance and observation of movement since the early '70s.
Stemming from her work with video and dance in the '70s, she developed
an approach to spontaneous composition and performance she calls Tuning
Scores. She performs, teaches and creates dances in diverse spaces on
many continents, and maintains long-term collaborations with other
artists, including Steve Paxton, Daniel Lepkoff, Scott Smith,
videoartist Cathy Weis, and Image Lab--a Tuning Score performance
ensemble. She lives in Vermont in the US.


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