Services (1)

Dear dance-techers,

this is Marlon, the network producer and creator. was created in November 2007, since then we have grown to become a social network with almost 3000 international member. We all share our passion and curiosity for innovation, fearless creativity within movement arts and new media technologies. has evolved to produce:

The interviews: a series of interviews with artists, technologies and theorists that has constituted a knowledge axis for the community

dance-techTV in-line video channel: a collaborative internet video channel that transmits hight quality content and provides the community with a platform for co-production of LIVE streaming of performances, conferences and any relevant events. receives more than 60000 page visits a months.

We have developed sustainable ways of producing digital content, establishing partnerships and collaborations that have helped and its projects to grow as an important infrastructure of generosity, exchange and collaboration.

During these two and half years, several of our members have contributed with beyond the content. They have facilitated and provided creative ways of engaging my work, our community and the use of our platforms. Some members have covered traveling costs and have offered me space for work in a research and teaching residency format. In such collaborations we have participated and developed several international educational and cultural projects in more than 15 countries. These strategies have definitely helped for the growth of the network, but they represented specific work such as teaching, consulting and development: work that was not directly related with the maintenance of the site, community facilitation and media production. Until now, the work is done without receiving direct compensation and I cover all the operational costs.

As you might have noticed, this April, has opened it space to contextual advertising and we are offering low cost online services for the community and different kinds of membership.

Considering the number of people who visit and use regularly, from individual artists to educational/artistic/research organizations, I believe that it would be feasible to make sustainable without compromising the goal of providing free and open access to all its content and platforms.

Our goal is to raise at least $3,000 per month ($1.00 per member or 1000 members paying $3.00 a month), via your patronage of our community, especially those member who do can help. I propose a model that allows your generosity to support the project
distributing costs in a way that members with more resources are able
to help the rest of the community.This model acknowledges the differences in resources between countries, professions, career levels, organizations and fields. Organizations have a higher suggested monthly payment.

I ask you to consider becoming micro-patrons with a voluntary subscription model (micro-monthly payment). In-keeping with the spirit of generosity which has sustained this project until now, it seemed only appropriate that we find a model for financial sustainability that incorporates the ideals of offering free access to the platforms and the possibility of helping.

Explore the following links with the details of the services and the new membership system!

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

Leave comments here or email me at

Thank you in advance for your understanding and on going support,


Radical Transparency
In the spirit of radical transparency, here is a breakdown, in terms of percentages, of how your contribution will be used:

60% for Salary – almost half of your contribution will go toward in subsidizing my time to work on projects.
I will use my skills in: site management
-Publishing and reporting on relevant content interviews production (original content)
-Developing collaborations. co-productions and partnerships.
-Producing dance-techTV channel/curatorial and programs
-Training new co producers for dance-techTV platform.

40% for Overhead – Close to half of the money will go toward all of the
things that go into running a social media enterprise.

These includes things like:
Taxes and legal fees
Communications infrastructure
Internet providers
Digital equipment
Web platforms, hosting, design, & development costs

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