august_2_09 (1)

Hello dancetechers, This is Marlon, the network producer. I hope that you are having a peaceful and creative summer. Welcome the new members to this international creative community and remember: participation makes the site! Read, watch and create! Customize you page, post videos and photos and more! Create albums and add a description and tags as a way to create a context for your viewers and to make it easier to be found! We have reached a critical mass to be able to trust in the power of self-organization and intelligence of our interactions. Thanks to all of you for your contributions, content, uses and feedback! Keep rockin'! HEY SUPPORT DANCE-TECH.NET: help to keep it free!! HIGHLIGHTS Bonjour tout le monde! Interviews @! dance-techTV featuring Vera Mantero/ Let's talk About it a film by Margarida Ferreira de Almeida ETP Madrid Phase 2: Interview with Jaime Del Val DANCE TECH 04/The Program: Interview with Bebe Miller Amazing interviews from LOMODEEDEE (associate blogger) Screendance @ dance-techTV featuring: The Moebius Strip by Gilles Jobin and Vincent Pluss (2001) World Grid Lab Interviews from The Extrao9 Festival in Annecy, France Featured discussion guest moderated by Armando Menicacci: Dance-tech Pedagogy Randomizer: Click this link and you will get a random selection of 20 video interviews from the collection. Would you like to collaborate with producing video interviews? helping with translation? editing? would you like to become an associate blogger? a partner? a VIP connection? placing an ad? Contact marlon(at)dance-tech(dot)net HEY SUPPORT DANCE-TECH.NET: help to keep it free!! THANKS TO ALL DANCE-TECH.NET VIP CONNECTIONS


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