brazil (5)

In 2012, celebrating 10 years, the focus on dance launched its fifth publication bringing together fourteen essays, most previously unpublished, written by researchers and national and international artists.

Between 2006 and 2009, the  focus on dance  organized four books aimed at the academic knowledge and the dissemination of literature at the border between video and dance. These publications, trilingual  (English, Portuguese and Spanish) , is an international reference on the subject.  

To get yours, contact us via email:

House copy will cost $ 35.00, plus the value of mailing.


Check out the book series dances in focus :

def book 2012


Dance in Focus  | Contemporary Essays of Videodance

Authors: Douglas Rosenberg, Silvina Szperling, Alejandra Ceriana, Susana Temperley, Claudia Rosiny, Karen Pearlman, Airton Tomazzoni, Leandro Mendoza and Beatriz Cerbino, João Luiz Vieira, Alexandre Veras, Brum and Leonel Paulo Caldas. Carolina Christmas and Cristiane Bouger, selected by curators Ivani Santana Felipe Ribeiro and through national call .




focus on dance  | Dance on Screen

Authors: Katrina McPherson and Simon Dove (UK), André Parente (Brazil), Paulo Caldas (Brazil), Mauro Trindade (Brazil), Karen Pearlman (Australia) and Hernani Heffner (Brazil). 2009.




Dance in Focus  | Photography and Motion Among

Authors: Andrea Bardawil (Brazil), Christiana Galanopoulou (Greece), Wosniak Cristiane (Brazil), Luis Cervero (Spain), Robert Wechsler (USA / Germany) and relationship sites worldwide for reference and research. 2008. EDITION EXHAUSTED



focus on dance  | Dance and Technology

Authors: Virginia Brooks (England), Armando Menicacci (Italy), Douglas Rosenberg (Spain) and Ivani Santana (Brazil). 2007.



Dance in Focus  | Videodance

Authors: Alexandre Luis Veras and John Vieira (Brazil), Claudia Rosiny (Germany), Johannes Birringer (Germany), Rodrigo Alonso (Argentina). 2006. EDITION EXHAUSTED


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Hoje, a partir das 18h30, o idança transmite ao vivo o segundo encontro do projeto ABI pensa a dança, que tem como objetivo discutir as relações entre mídia e dança. O evento será realizado na sede da Associação Brasileira de Imprensa (ABI), no Rio de Janeiro, e a entrada é gratuita.

A discussão desta terça-feira será sobre Crítica de dança e novas relações entre dança e mídia, com Gustavo Ciríaco (coreógrafo), Nayse López (idança) Joana Ribeiro (PRODOC UNIRIO/RJ) e Helena Katz (PUC-SP), por skype. A mediação será do jornalista e teatrólogo Jesus Chediak. No dia 13 de setembro, primeiro dia do evento, foram abordadas questões relativas à Memória da dança na mídia – documentos e pesquisa, com a participação de Giselle Ruiz (PRODOC EBA/UFRJ), Beatriz Cerbino (pesquisadora UFF/RJ) e Dalal Achcar (coreógrafa).


Post in Idanca






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Dança em foco: production call-for-entries

For this year’s edition, dança em foco – Festival Internacional de Vídeo Dança is launching two grant programs for videodance creation/production. The initiative was made possible because of the new sponsorship of
Petrobras, the Brazilian oil company.

“Historically, dança em foco always supported diffusion and training. Even in our partnerships, we were always concerned with screening videodance and contextualize it through
workshops, debates with local artists etc. Since 2002 we had the idea of
a grant program, but we still couldn’t make it happen. In 2007 we had a
program that awarded videos created for cell phones. This year we
managed to make both happen!”, Paulo Caldas, one of the curators,

The festival will award in the Vídeo1′ program videodances recorder with cell-phone cameras. The videos must be sent until April 23 and they must last up to one minute. Each creator
will be allowed to submit one project and it must have been made from
January 2009 on. Those selected will receive an award of R$ 1.000 and
will be screened at dança em foco 2010.

In the Vídeo5′ program, screenplays for a videodance production of up to 5 minutes will be selected. The projects must be sent until April 30. Those selected will receive from R$ 3.000
to R$ 6.000, according to the project’s budgets.

Both programs seek to award projects that integrate dance and video as an autonomous composition. Besides the two, Rumos Itaú is another program aimed exclusively at the research and
production of videodance. It recently screened the result of its last
edition. Given the growing interest in the videodance language, many
questions arise about what fits into this form of expression.

For Caldas, this debate will go on for a while. “Any difficulty in thinking about videodance is an unfoldment of the issues that emerge with contemporary dance. They are potentiated in the
videodance context. All the tension of experimentation in dance also
appears in videodance. In the curatorship process, I try to look for
movement principles in that piece. It could be the body, editing or
camera. This makes a connection between cinema and dance.”

The regulation is available at the festival’s website. More information may be obtained at


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Festival Panorama 2009 @ dance-techTV

Hello all, this is Marlon writing from Brazil! Tune in dance-techTV to watch performance excerpts, interviews and live broadcasts from Festival Panorama 2009, Rio de Janeiro. Watch video podcast about the opening night with excerpts of Lamentation (Martha Graham, 1930), La Mère e Étude Révolutionnaire (Isadora Duncan, 1921), Duo dEden (Maguy Marin, 1986), Steptext (William Forsythe, 1985). Also see, Nayse Lopez and Eduardo Bonito, festival curators talk about the festival activities. You can also watch the festival loop here:
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Read Original post Aproveitando a presentação da performance Protomenbrana do Marcel.lí Antunez no FILE 2009, o artista ministrará um workshop com o tema “SISTEMATURGIA", -Transmissão de conhecimento e experiências”- literalmente dramaturgia dos sitemas computacionais na Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade . As oficinas acontecem dias 29, 30 e 31 de julho, das 10 às 14 horas. Para participar, os interessados devem enviar currículo e carta de interesse para até o dia 26 de julho. Mais informações podem ser obtidas pelo número 3822 2627 no ramal 22. Programa de trabalho do workshop: Dia 1:Teoria de dois ámbitos, a maquinaria de creição coletiva. A Trilogia de la Fura dels Baus 1984/88 (ACCIONS, Suz/o/ Suz & Tier Mon), outros trabalhos dos anos 80’ (Los Rinos, films Aixalà/Antunez….) Dia 2: Sistematurgia 1 e outros desdobramentos do trabalho de Antunez-Roca. O exemplo de Afasia (Satel·lits Obscens / Afasia / Afalud). Outras performances mecatrónicas Epizoo, Pol e instalações interativas; trabalhos biológicos. Dia 3: Sistematurgia 2. Formas de interação, Interatividade sequencial, microrrelatos… A dimensão do desenho. O projeto Membrana episódios e satélites Protomembrana, Hipermembrana e Metamembrana. DMD Europa. Organização: Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade- Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo e CCE_SP
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