cinedans (3)

Dance Engine @ Cinedans, Amsterdam

discovery-13_200.jpg?width=200Dance Engine is an experiment initiated and produced by Cinedans in collaboration with design studio FourceLabs and the International Choreographic Arts Centre (ICK). Together we are searching for a game experience that derives from movement. 

From November 2011 onwards, the first version of the Dance Engine will be shown at different festivals.

18 to 26 November, STRP, Light Cafe, Klokgebouw, Eindhoven (NL)
24 - 25  November, Game in the City, Amersfoort (NL)
26  November, Spelen in de stad, Wagenwerkplaats, Amersfoort (NL)
1 to 4 december, Cinedans, Amsterdam (NL)

Dance Engine is made possible with the support of the Gamefund, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
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Chunky Move, got the two awards at the Cinedans 2008 festival in Amsterdam. His piece called "Dance Like Your Old Man" is remarkably clever, full of heart and disarming in its simplicity and conceptual strength. He collapsed documentary, feature and dance film in the scenes in which six women imitate their dads' dancing and make them present in our imagination. These unseen men come to life through the dances and reflections of their children.

Congratulations Chunky Movers! Find more videos like this on Find more videos like this on
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Alain Platel interview for Cinedans 2007 Film shown: les ballets de ci de là This documentary is shot to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the company Les Ballets C. de la B. Alain Platel is filming his dancers and goes back to their roots. This results in moving images when one thinks of family reunions in Burkina Faso and Vietnam. Platel is known for his unconventional approach and makes the audience a privileged witness of a new work in progress. Winner Dance screen Award 2007(endowed with 15,000.- EUR)
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