digital body (1)

At LAKE Studios Berlin there is dance-tech residency space available this March, for 2 weeks from 14 - 28 April as well as 5 weeks frmo May 4 - June 8th!
Our space is incredibe well equipped with equipment and a grid to hang lights, screens and devices.
Sublet your flat and come live and create in the lovely studio spaces at LAKE Studios with more than 80hrs of studio time per month...
Costs are very low for self funded artists between 800 - 950€ for 1 person (single room) plus 250€ for a second person if you want to share a room.
There is extensive technical equipment to use and explore with included in every residency for free...From PTZ cameras to motion capture suits and gloves!
Please write to for more info.
And check the archive of our Digital Body Labs (since 2022) to see what is possible here!
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